Month: September 2013

here comes . . .

I was driving my family to a relative’s home when I was pulled over for speeding. I had been driving faster than the suspiciously low speed limit, so there wasn’t much I could say. But when I learned that my insurance rate would skyrocket due to the ticket, I contacted the village prosecutor and asked for a compromise. He agreed, and soon a court document arrived in the mail. It began, “Here comes Mr. Wallace, prosecutor for Oakville,” and explained that he would charge me with a lesser offense.

September 16, 2013

What’s your biggest fear? How has God helped you deal with it?

unusual warfare

In 1980, a woman hopped on a bus during the Boston Marathon. No big deal—except for one small detail. She was supposed to be running in the marathon! Later, she jumped back in the race—much too early, as it turned out, for she finished well ahead of the other female competitors. Questions soon arose when it became apparent that she didn’t look like someone who had just run a marathon. In fact, she didn’t look like a runner!

roadside theology

Traveling south on a highway, I passed a billboard that presented this ominous message: HELL IS REAL. I agreed with the words, but for some reason that roadside theology lesson didn’t linger in my mind. However, returning north on the same route I was jolted out of highway hypnosis by the words on the flipside of the billboard: JESUS IS REAL. These two truths posted back-to-back made me ask myself, Why doesn’t the reality of hell drive me to share Christ more frequently?

God knows you

Collectors Weekly recently posted a fascinating series of pictures of the contents of suitcases left behind by deceased patients of the Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane between 1910 and the 1960s. The images tell stories but leave many questions. One suitcase held a woman’s collection of whimsical hairbrushes, packed next to a small straw broom. Another suitcase held a clock, a tube of shoe cream, and a small hand-carved Scottish Terrier. There were books, musical instruments, photographs, and journals. Each photo reminds you that a person left this luggage behind, a person who was someone’s mother, brother, or friend. The scattered remnants give us vague glimpses of the people who owned them.

you choose Q: what about taking anti-depressants?

Q: Would you recommend to a family member or friend who is struggling with depression to take an anti-depressant?  —Grace

A: It’s important to understand that many things can trigger a bout with depression. Consequently, multiple causes call for multiple treatments. The possibilities certainly include the use of anti-depressants.

At the very least, it would be good for a person who…

actions and adventure

On a recent visit home to the United States, I got my first taste of D-BOX—motion theater seats that pitch you forward and backward, side to side, and up and down in sync with the action depicted on the screen.

know your enemy

A recent pop song contains these lyrics: “Do you know the enemy? Do you know your enemy? Well, gotta know the enemy.”

another day from God!


—copy and design submitted by Terry and Pat Lampel, US

still in process

After 18 years of marriage, I thought I had a pretty good handle on how to love my husband. Trials, children, and the hand of God had significantly affected change in our relationship in countless ways. But gentle promptings from the Lord to pick up a particular book on love continued to interrupt my daily activities. Noticing the book when it first hit the market, I knew it would be a great resource for others. Now, God was calling me to lay down my pride and see not only what He had done in my life but also what He still desired to do.

read this! from an odj reader in Ghana . . .

“ODJ's daily devotional updates have been a wonderful companion to me. Ever sinceghana-01 I subscribed to the daily devotionals my rugged and crooked relationship with God has seen a new and beautiful development. Just like me in Ghana, I know ODJ is transforming the lives of many people across the world to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. To the…

you choose Q: why does the God of the O.T. seem to be different from the God of the N.T.?

Q: Why does God seem to act differently in the Old Testament than how He does in the New Testament?  —Michael

A: It’s a common misconception that God in the Old Testament acted differently than He did in the New Testament. Often, we picture Him as a terrifying God of wrath, judgment, and punishment in the Old Testament, but embrace Him…

trust & obedience

When I was in officer training school, I was taught that I could use artillery or air strikes to neutralize enemy forces before the actual engagement of a ground offensive. The objective was to damage the enemy’s fighting capabilities, create fear, and demoralize the enemy troops before ground combat began.

you choose Q: can Jesus understand the difficulties that come with old age?

Q: I know that Christ Jesus was killed at a young age, and suffered terribly, but he did not grow to be an old man. With this in mind, would Jesus know the ravages, aches and pains, and severe difficulties of old age? Since it says in the Bible that Jesus has experienced all the difficulties that we face and…

September 9. 2013

What’s your take on the problem of evil?

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